Kes' Characters
Weyrlingmaster H'lee
Stipend: 7M 1hType: Weyr
Stipend: 2MType: Hall
Special Marks: 0Additional Regular Income*: None
Weyr Marks:
1,044M 1h 1qHold Marks:
Craft Marks:
567M 1q* Additional Regular Income is income a character earns; usually this is from selling products that they've produced as part of their Craft.
Last Updated: 2558.11.24
Weyrling Alyena
Stipend: 5MType: Weyr
Special Marks: 0Additional Regular Income*: None
Weyr Marks:
81M 1qHold Marks:
93M 1h 1qCraft Marks:
* Additional Regular Income is income a character earns; usually this is from selling products that they've produced as part of their Craft.
Last Updated: 2558.11.24
Junior Apprentice Smith Loraine
Stipend: 1M 1hType: Hall
Special Marks: 0Additional Regular Income*: None
Weyr Marks:
Hold Marks:
Craft Marks:
17M 1q* Additional Regular Income is income a character earns; usually this is from selling products that they've produced as part of their Craft.
Last Updated: 2558.11.24